Monday, April 27, 2009

The Meaning of the Word

1.Cyber terrorist - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism.

- The entity from the external environment that is taken to be the cause of a risk. An entity in the external environment that performs an attack, ie hacker.

3. Cyber criminal - are persons that committed crime using a computer and the internet to steal a person's identity or sell contraband or stalk victims or disrupt operations with malevolent programs.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

_" heart story"_

A Story From the Heart

by IAmWhoIAm

I once heard a story straight from the heart
About a girl and how her world began to fall apart
It all started when she met the boy that made her life complete
Just thinking of him made her heart skip a beat
They were the couple everyone wanted to be
There were no imperfections as either one could see
As the weeks passed they fell more in love and were less aware
Of how often life turns out to be unfair
Until one day she finally gave in
She realized there was no way she could win
She said I'm sorry but i have to let you go
As he reached for her hand she pulled away whispering no
When she turned around a tear slid down her cheek
He just stood there speechless, forgetting how to speak
The next few days were the hardest at home
She truly felt she was all alone
Her mom pushed in her face how she had won
Her dad said "i knew he was just another one"
Her sister said "come on you'll be ok"
And her brother just tried to stay away
At school it was like her friends weren't even there
None of them seemed to really care
Her life had no more color, just black and white
Even getting out of bed turned into a fight
Despite their tries things just weren't like before
Then he decided "i don't wanna try anymore"
At that she tried to cut him out
But the more she ignored him the more her feelings began to shout
When she saw him that day she could no longer just walk by
And before she knew it her mouth opened up and out came "hi"
He looked up and said "so now we're talking?"
She just smiled and join his walking
Everyday they talked a little more
And everyday she began to like him a little less then before
As the months passed by she became more and more aware
About how its ok life's unfair
Because eventually everything becomes your past
But your memories will always last
And with that i hope you see
Not all love is meant to be
But hold on and don't give in
Stand tall, hold up your chin
And believe me when i say
The right one will come one day
He'll open your eyes to things you couldn't ever see
I know this because..this is a story all about me...

***I'm really flattered that everyone likes this poem so much, but i would highly appreciate it if you didn't copy it or put it on any of your web pages. this is my poem and i would like it to stay private because people are starting to think I'm the one who copied it.***

"forever meh"

I Won't Forget

by JoshuaxClear

Today I visited a place
Located deep in the mind,
Felt a strong presence linger
Melody of the love song

Memories awakening
Providing unwanted feelings
Only one felt so strongly
The feeling of missing you

Can't stop myself from reminiscing
Thinking of our time together
How is it that I'm able to smile...
when I've got this hint of sadness?

Torn by remembering
That you once were a believer
We use to share imaginations
That brought our love to life

Even though it has been a while
It's clear that I haven't forgotten
Just know that I never will
Because It's my heart you got in

An Information Technology(IT) workers professional?

Yes, because in our third world generation, all the things around the globe developed and improved like for example our technology, it was started long time ago. With the help of the invention of the ff. inventor: Charles Babbage, Blaise Pascal and many more. They waste their time in inventing all the things around us with the reason that we made our works easy to done. Now in our modern generation, all the things from old fashion to the latest invention of cellphone was developed. We have a very high technology gadgets like a laptop and newest fashion of computer unit. A very important thing among the gadgets that invented of all the engineers and inventors is the computer, but all of that was nothing w/o the help of all the programmers who made all the programs and they called the IT workers professional. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer network and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems. But their are very genius programmer who made a very harmful program that can cause damage and can destroy your computer program like a VIRUS. We don't know what's the reason behind that scene, I think they only made that program in their own reason because even though they made that things, in the sense that their are genius and master in making program they made also a program that can cure or to kill this what we call a computer VIRUS. As a result of my researched making I can conclude that all the IT workers are professional and we can prove it in the field of invention.
n technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware."[1] IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems.

When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech". Information Technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

standards for degrees in Information Technology as a distinct field of study separate from both Computer Science and Information Systems. SIGITE is the ACM working group for defining these standards.


Monday, April 13, 2009

"♥The Ten Commandments for computer Ethics"♥

1.Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
2.Thou shalt not interfare with people's computer work.
3.Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's file's.
4.Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
5.Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
6.Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
7.Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources with out outhorization.
8.Thou shalt not use appropiate other people's intellectual output.
9.Thou shalt not think about the social consequences of the program you write.
10. Thou shalt not use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.